Sunday, December 30, 2012

My thoughts on Palpatine in TCW.

My thoughts on the return of Emperor Palpatine.
By: Hyden Wang

I am very excited to see Palpatine show his true form in the Clone Wars, this will tell us a little more of his “dark side” as the movies really did not show much of Sidious. Perhaps we will learn more of Sidious’s history and his turn to the dark side. I’m sure the sith code, the rule of two, and other things that relate to the sith will be discussed in the trilogy.

                When talking about Darth Maul and Savage Oppress I believe Sidious will kill at least one of them or both as there is a “rule of two” which states that there can only be 2 sith lords at any time. Currently being Darth Sidious and Count Dooku. Either Dooku is betrayed by his master or Sidious challenges the two sith apprentices to a duel.

                However, I am unsure what Sidious is going to do in terms of the Mandolorian arc. In the Season 5 extended trailer/preview you can see him force choke two Mandolorian guards as he boards a speeder. I believe the Mando’s will attempt to fight him but will fail as Sidious’s power is greater than most people in the Star Wars universe(This was proven in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith when he defeated Jedi grand master Yoda.

Side Note: I am wondering whether or not Palpatine will help the Death Watch, maybe?
Thank you for listening to my opinions and have a happy new year!


Saturday, December 22, 2012

New Arc! My thoughts.

After watching the trailer for the new Arc about the Death Watch I am very excited because the past few episodes have been extremely disappointing  However, the new arc looks promising because we get to see more of Darth Sidious in action against the two Sith apprentices, Darth Maul and Savage Oppress. I am thinking that only one of them will survive. After that part the Jedi and the Death Watch participate in a huge battle with Mando armor and jet-packs  I think Maul will die in this Arc as he did not appear in any of the other Star Wars movies except Episode 1: A Phantom Menace.

I believe some of Hondo and his pirate crew will return this ARC as well, as they were in the first episode against Maul and Oppress

Things that I think will happen this arc.

1. Darth Maul is killed/dies.

2. The Death Watch will win

3. One of the Sith apprentices will die(The rule of two)

Basically this ARC will have tons of plot twists and "why" moments. I think it will be an extremely interesting scene to watch as we didn't really have much of "Darth Sidious" or the "Death Watch" in the movies.

Thank you!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Star Wars Episode: A Sunny Day in the Void

A Sunny Day in the Void is pretty much the worst episode that I have ever watched in these few years of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It was so bland and boring as it was just droids and a strange mashed-up Ben 10 style alien on a desolate planet doing nothing.

So the episode starts out with their ship running into a comet storm and crash landing on a planet with no information on it and where they are in space. They start looking for a ship but everywhere on the planet looks the same, which is a cool connection with the deserts of Earth. However, I wish that the planet was a little less plain and had some sort of cool looking landscape instead of a flat desert-type land.

The team cannot find a ship and began to wander around, almost giving up hope. Finally, they spot a village by using some native animals as guidance.

My opinion on the episode is that it had no relation to the Star Wars saga and the whole episode could of finished in about 5-10 minutes if they skipped all the boring parts like wandering around in the desolate landscape of the planet doing nothing.

Overall, I believe this episode should not have been in the Clone Wars and hope that future episodes are much better.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Star Wars the Clone Wars Review Episode 2

Review on the Onderon Arc(Star Wars: The Clone Wars).

By: Hyden Wang


This arc left me extremely disappointing the first episode, a war on two fronts was an extremely horrible way to start out this arc and left me feeling bitterly disappointing after watching it. I felt like it was just a "filler" episode that lacked in every way possible with many loopholes, especially the fact that thermal detonators cannot penetrate the shields of destroyer droids.

I think The Soft War was pretty much the best episode. The only thing was that it was a bit slow and destroying the droid’s shield generator did not even affect the outcome of the arc.

However the first two episodes were extremely slow/laggy and it felt like nothing from these episodes were included in the preview so we would get the false sense that this was going to be an arc about battle.

I could improve the arc by basically sending a small clone task force to aid the rebels. This would make the arc more interesting and more clone action. This is the “Clone Wars” after all.

However, they could of sent a clone commander to lead the task force and give tips to the rebels. I would also like to see more Droid Gunships; the rocket-pods on those are extremely interesting.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Star Wars the Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 1 Review

SWTCW Season 5 Episode 1 Review

By: Hyden Wang

So the new episode of Star Wars: The Clone wars came out, the first episode of the fifth season :o. The title is "Revival" which I think is an extremely fitting title because the episode is mainly about the return of Darth Maul, which was thought to be dead years ago in Episode I - A Phantom Menace.

              The first scene shows the fight between Savage and Maul to determine who will be the master and who will be the apprentice. However, Maul is a Sith lord and wins easily.

The pirates were the other primary characters in this episode. Especially Hondo Ohnaka. Being that the history between Obi-Wan and Hondo is very rocky the fact that they have to team up to fight a shared enemy is extremely interesting. I don't understand why Maul and Oppress go to the pirates to build an army, why not hire bounty hunters or Assassins? They have the money and power to do so.

This episode has a sad scene too. Savage actually uses his HORNS to impale Adi Gallia, thus killing her. I don't think how it was physically possible considering that Adi could of used the force to block his attack. At least Obi-Wan cut his arm off, haha.

The last scene Palpatine tells the Jedi that thy should be worrying about Count Dooku and the clone wars but everyone knows that he is just devising a plan for Maul and Savage. I love how it ends with Palpatine's trademark evil smile.