SWTCW Season 5 Episode 1 Review
By: Hyden Wang
So the new episode of Star Wars: The Clone wars came out, the first episode of the fifth season :o. The title is "Revival" which I think is an extremely fitting title because the episode is mainly about the return of Darth Maul, which was thought to be dead years ago in Episode I - A Phantom Menace.
The first scene shows the fight between Savage and Maul to determine who will be the master and who will be the apprentice. However, Maul is a Sith lord and wins easily.
The pirates were the other primary characters in this episode. Especially Hondo Ohnaka. Being that the history between Obi-Wan and Hondo is very rocky the fact that they have to team up to fight a shared enemy is extremely interesting. I don't understand why Maul and Oppress go to the pirates to build an army, why not hire bounty hunters or Assassins? They have the money and power to do so.
This episode has a sad scene too. Savage actually uses his HORNS to impale Adi Gallia, thus killing her. I don't think how it was physically possible considering that Adi could of used the force to block his attack. At least Obi-Wan cut his arm off, haha.
The last scene Palpatine tells the Jedi that thy should be worrying about Count Dooku and the clone wars but everyone knows that he is just devising a plan for Maul and Savage. I love how it ends with Palpatine's trademark evil smile.
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