My thoughts on the return of Emperor Palpatine.
By: Hyden Wang
I am very excited to see Palpatine show his true form in the
Clone Wars, this will tell us a little more of his “dark side” as the movies
really did not show much of Sidious. Perhaps we will learn more of Sidious’s
history and his turn to the dark side. I’m sure the sith code, the rule of two,
and other things that relate to the sith will be discussed in the trilogy.
talking about Darth Maul and Savage Oppress I believe Sidious will kill at
least one of them or both as there is a “rule of two” which states that there
can only be 2 sith lords at any time. Currently being Darth Sidious and Count
Dooku. Either Dooku is betrayed by his master or Sidious challenges the two sith
apprentices to a duel.
I am unsure what Sidious is going to do in terms of the Mandolorian arc. In the
Season 5 extended trailer/preview you can see him force choke two Mandolorian
guards as he boards a speeder. I believe the Mando’s will attempt to fight him
but will fail as Sidious’s power is greater than most people in the Star Wars
universe(This was proven in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith when he defeated
Jedi grand master Yoda.
Side Note: I am wondering whether or not Palpatine will help
the Death Watch, maybe?
Thank you for listening to my opinions and have a happy new
interesting thoughts. keep going...